In all the time I’ve been been messing around with PIC microcontrollers I’ve never done a simple 7-Segment LED clock, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.
For the Record Time Redux project I’m currently working on I needed to design a control board for it. I started working on a PCB layout and then thought, why not make the board so it could also fit on the back of the 7-Segment LED module. So I came up with the board shown here, it fits to the back of the 0.56″ RobotDyn 4-digit clock module (see here) and turns it into a compact USB powered LED clock.
I fitted the assembled boards into a Hammond translucent red 1591 style case (size 100 x 50 x 21mm )
Schematic and PCB layout can be found on the EasyEDA website here.
The source code is fully working, just need to get some time to write up a quick projects page and I’ll make it available then.
Update: 13/06/2019 – Full project now published here